I’ve got exciting news this month! We have an estimated release date for Sacred Balance! You can get your hands on a copy starting May 20, 2025. In the meantime, I’ll keep sending monthly updates and maybe even some sneak peaks along the way.
I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately about cultural perceptions of religion and spirituality. It’s a common topic among my clergy friends. Religion is on the decline. People are skeptical of hierarchical structures and strict moralism. Churches are shrinking and closing. Spirituality, on the other hand, is increasingly popular. There’s a profound longing to engage something bigger than ourselves, to find meaning in life, and to connect deeply with others. Everyone has their own theory about why, but we all agree that it's happening. There’s a clear shift away from organized religion and toward more individual expressions of spirituality.

My role as a chaplain has prepared me well for working outside traditional religious structures. I identify as a progressive Christian, but I support people of many faiths as well as those who aren’t religious at all. I’ve learned to recognize the spiritual issues that arise in the face of mental health challenges, regardless of someone’s background. For some, religious traditions are comforting and grounding. For others, organized religion feels constraining or even oppressive. I see both sides and seek to support each person in finding healthy expressions of their own spirituality.
In writing Sacred Balance, I want to acknowledge both the wisdom of ancient traditions and the need for individualized expression. Each of the nine practices I present is rooted in centuries of religious practice, and I’ve linked them all to Biblical themes and Christian tradition. I’ve also offered various adaptations for making the practices your own. There are tips for how to fit these practices into a busy schedule, as well as guides for using them in various group settings. My hope is that each of you will find something beneficial that supports your unique spiritual journey.