Hi everyone! November is a time for giving thanks, and I’m grateful for each one of you! Sacred Balance came into being through community, and I hope to foster an ongoing community of people seeking spiritual growth and mental well-being. If you know others who might benefit, please invite them to join us!
Sacred Balance features a chapter on the spiritual practice of gratitude, though what I’ve termed “Prayerful Savoring.” Savoring is the act of lingering in a moment of enjoyment. It becomes a prayer when we acknowledge the One who created us to notice and enjoy these gifts. Prayerful Savoring has been a powerful practice for me. It helps me seek joy in difficult times and appreciate the abundance God has given me. I’d like to share a preview of this practice to thank you for subscribing to my newsletter. This except from Chapter 8 summarizes the practice of Prayerful Savoring, but you’ll have to wait until May to read more!
Click here for a sneak peak into Sacred Balance!